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Telco - skilled GenAI Agents

Amdocs amAIz Agents represent a groundbreaking leap forward in telecom tech.

This GenAI-powered partner is a force multiplier that leverages telco-specific expertise across a wide scope of tasks and responsibilities.
With amAIz Agents, telco-professionals are now empowered by a team of autonomous, telco-native GenAI Agents that require no training and are ready to perform from day one.

This leads to more efficient and effective operations, enabling human agents to focus on core tasks and deliver exceptional results.

amAIz agents go beyond support. Through applying their unique telco skills to automate workflows across multiple CSP operations, these GenAI Agents are catalysts of change within the telecom landscape, paving the way for a new era of innovation and efficiency.

See some of Amdocs amAIz Platform Agents KPIs

Problem Resolution & Customer Satisfaction

  • Average handling time – ~9 minutes reduction
  • NPS – 49% improvement
  • Repeated Calles - 50% reduction


  • +60% cost reduction  
  • Up to 30% improved accuracy  
  • Up to 80% improved latency 
  • Automates CSPs tasks to provides intelligent recommendations and close-loop activities.
  • Across multiple telco domains (telco workflows automation) 


  • Enhanced Productivity

    Agents enable asynchronous parallel processing of tasks.

  • Industry-Specific Solutions

    Tailored for telecom industry challenges and requirements.

  • Security and Compliance

    Ensures data privacy and regulatory compliance.

  • Easily scalable to meet evolving business needs

    Agents can fact-check LLM output against real-time data.

  • Low-Risk Integration

    Simplifies the adoption of generative AI with minimal risk.

  • Personalization

    Agents enable persona-driven interactions that adapt to the use.

Featured insights


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Embrace the cloud and together we’ll see your business agility, innovation and scalability soar to new heights.

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Discover the streamlined, cost-efficient and intelligent answer to increasingly complex customer, IT and network demands.

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Build an irresistible content proposition and experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.

Reinvent the customer
experience. Every day.


Discover the agility to deliver a jaw-dropping digital experience that always exceeds expectations.

Make today’s impossible
tomorrow’s possible


Unlock the full potential of 5G and shape the network to create new capabilities, unique business models and game-changing opportunities.


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Your future looks breath-taking from here.


Simplify the complex, deliver the brilliant.


Fill your customers’ day with content they love.


Reinvent the customer experience. Every day.


Make today’s impossible tomorrow’s possible.



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