Five days of giving: Amdocs’ first annual North America Giving Week shines spotlight on long-standing tradition of volunteerism

Deeply engrained in Amdocs’ culture is helping those that are less fortunate. Although volunteering is rewarding, it can also be very time-consuming. One Amdocs’ employee shares her heartfelt reasons for continuing to give her time to volunteering.

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Sharon Lewis, Internal Communications Professional, Americas


29 Nov 2022

Five days of giving: Amdocs’ first annual North America Giving Week shines spotlight on long-standing tradition of volunteerism

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In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, Amdocs tasked its own employees to open their hearts and participate in the company’s first-annual North America Giving Week.

For five amazing days – November 28 through December 2 – hundreds of Amdocs employees are joining together across the country to volunteer in activities aimed at helping children, the elderly, families and individuals in need.

The concept for Giving Tuesday began in 2012 with a simple goal: Encourage people to give back in whatever ways they can. Since its inception, this humble idea has evolved into a global movement aimed at inspiring millions of people to give and celebrate generosity.

In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, Amdocs tasked its own employees to open their hearts and participate in the company’s first-annual North America Giving Week.

For five amazing days – November 28 through December 2 – hundreds of Amdocs employees will join together and volunteer in activities ranging from food and toy drives, helping the homeless, spending time with the elderly, blood donation drives, meeting survivors of domestic violence, and teaching interview skills to students.

What you might not know, is this giving mentality is not new to Amdocs. A core belief at Amdocs has always been to foster volunteerism by giving of your time and energy to those who are less fortunate. Together, we believe in promoting wellbeing and sustainability in our very own communities.

An AMAZING volunteer

Edna Ortiz began working at Amdocs 15 years ago, and almost immediately joined the volunteering program. After only a few years, she took over as the Colorado Community Lead, which represents Colorado Springs, Denver, Littleton, Castlerock, Aspen and Boulder, in her hometown of Colorado Springs, CO.

As a Consulting Manager assigned to Amdocs’ AT&T account, Edna’s knack for project management has made her a skilled and organized leader. In addition to her regular job, some of Edna’s many volunteering duties include securing funding, planning and organizing events, reaching out to community partners for discounted supplies, and finding other kind-hearted Amdocs employees to assist at the events.

“At the beginning, it was somewhat difficult getting assistance from community partners,” Edna explained. “Now we have an excellent program we follow.”

Much of the work Edna does centers around helping children affected by poverty, sexual and physical abuse, neglect or violence, and who suffer from chronic mental health problems and learning disabilities.

“We also focus on programs for young girls in lower economic areas,” she explained proudly. “STEM education is centered on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These programs expose young girls to curriculum they might not normally have access to. By teaching these girls about STEM-related roles, we’re helping them with future employability.”

STEM robotics event

Edna Ortiz, Amdocs consulting manager and volunteer

STEM event - Science caves rock

What volunteering really means

When asked why she continues to spend so much of her precious time with volunteering activities, Edna welled up with pride and tears as she remembered one particular young man she had the privilege of helping.

“In 2014, Amdocs partnered with Hilton to hold a children’s day event at a local Hilton hotel. Universal Children’s Day is held every year on November 20 to bring awareness to problems children face and improve their welfare.

As part of the Hilton event, children would meet the professional chefs and help prepare and serve a Thanksgiving meal. There was one young man, I’ll refer to him as Adam, who was about 15 or 16 years old. He seemed very sad, was always looking down, was underweight and barely spoke. I learned he came from an abusive home.

Adam was in the group that would prepare the stuffing and turkeys. Although he was assigned to a team, he would just stand there and do nothing. Amdocs volunteers started talking and working with him, asking him to cut apples and carrots. He slowly started to get more involved with the cooking.

By the end of the day, his head wasn’t down anymore. I walked over to him and asked what the thought of the event. He simply said, it was the best day he’s ever had. In that moment, he seemed so happy. He was so different from the defeated boy that walked into our event.

Another Amdocs volunteer later asked Adam if he would like to be a chef someday. He eagerly said yes. So we got permission from the Hilton for Adam to work in the kitchen occasionally. Fast forward two years, and the hotel was so impressed with Adam they paid for him to attend culinary school!

Today, Adam is one of the best chefs in Denver. He later attended a few of our Universal Children’s Day events and explained how that one Amdocs’ event changed his life forever.

So, THIS is why I continue to volunteer. This is why myself and other Amdocs volunteers put in all of these hours. I am extremely proud to work for a company like Amdocs, who believes in giving back to our local communities.”

Amdocs is honored to have employees like Edna on our team. Her enthusiasm and dedication represent the heart of Amdocs’ North America Giving Week and what it truly stands for. Remember, every act of giving counts, and together, our shared acts of giving can make a crucial difference for many families in need.

“Giving Week is a wonderful event,” Edna beamed. “During the holidays, people tend to have a more giving attitude. My hope is if they volunteer in November, they will continue at other times of the year, too.”


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