The future of using technology to solve marketing problems, with Clint Runge

Clint Runge, CEO and Founder of Archrival, discusses the future of marketing and how to blend the digital world with the real world to reach the younger generation.

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Avishai Sharlin, Division President of Amdocs Technology

S2 E14


26 Apr 2021

The future of using technology to solve marketing problems, with Clint Runge

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Apr 26, 2021
The Future of Using Technology to Solve Marketing Problems

Like it or not, the younger generation is an important demographic for every industry to pay attention to. Millennials and Gen Z currently have buying power and influence, and the decisions they make now, and the tech and brands they become loyal to today will impact the winners and losers of the future. So the question becomes, how do you get the attention of these young people and engage with them long-term?

Clint Runge is the CEO & Founder of Archrival, a youth culture agency that reinvents how brands win the hearts and minds of young adults. Clint is helping to build back trust in brands among the upcoming generation, and he’s using technology and new platforms to make that happen.

On this episode of Future of Tech, Clint dives into the state of marketing today and how brands need to be thinking about reaching younger audiences. This is important because, according to Clint, if you understand what drives that generation, you can identify broader trends that will set your business up for success in other areas.

To achieve this success, Clint details exactly how and why it’s necessary to start blending the digital world and the “real world” — rather than pushing old school marketing techniques through new technology, Clint discusses how brands can use the new technology as a tool to innovate and blend real-life engagement with digital platforms. Plus, he talks about where companies will be gathering the most data from in the future, and why you should start embracing the technology that scares you the most. Enjoy this episode!

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