Case study


Amdocs helps mobile call center cut costs and boost Customer satisfaction with AI-Fueled insights

Discover how Amdocs empowers agents to transform every customer interaction into a positive, satisfying experience: shortening and streamlining calls, saving truck rolls, and turning every user into a loyal fan.

15 Mar 2022

Amdocs helps mobile call center cut costs and boost Customer satisfaction with AI-Fueled insights

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What’s going on inside customers’ minds? Do your call center agents have the tools to respond quickly and efficiently?

Don’t waste precious agent time on inefficient conversations: common inquiries, inaccurate data, or delays. What if you could scorecard individual agents and understand exactly what sets your top players apart? Now you can.

Customers of a typical mid-sized mobile provider experience a variety of pain points:

  • Long hold times or disconnected calls
  • Frequent calls for simple questions that aren’t answered via self-serve
  • Service and support issues that aren’t resolved on the first try

Every call is costing you money. Inefficient use of agent time drives up costs, and negative interactions or ineffective resolution drives down net promoter score (NPS)—an overall measure of your customer’s satisfaction. Plus, poor communication also leads to unnecessary on-site service calls, further increasing costs.

In this case study, you’ll find out how Amdocs helps you take the lead, mining conversation data with the power of AI and achieving immediate results:

  • Harvest best practices of your most effective agents
  • Speed onboarding and training of new agents
  • Mine customer intent for efficient escalation and improved satisfaction
  • Get big-picture insights into call center health
  • Turn wasted voice data into visual, actionable business intelligence

Drive revenue growth and optimization across your entire organization with true insight into the voice of the customer. Discover how Amdocs makes customer experience amazing.


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