Case study


Amdocs helps mobile network streamline customer onboarding with a fully mobile, transparent, and seamless digital experience

Discover how Amdocs turns convoluted customer journeys into frictionless, transparent experiences for faster conversion, fewer cancellations, and insight every step of the way, for onboarding, upgrading, or support—all via users’ mobile phones.

15 Mar 2022

Amdocs helps mobile network streamline customer onboarding with a fully mobile, transparent, and seamless digital experience

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Are you putting roadblocks in front of customers? Forcing them to phone, fax, or email instead of offering a fully mobile process for onboarding or upgrading?

These inefficient processes frustrate customers and waste agent time. What if you could verify identity, display and sign contracts, and collect payment, right from their phone? Now you can.

This case study shares results from a large U.S. mobile network that was suffering from a number of pain points when it came to onboarding potential customers:

  • Low conversion rates due to convoluted onboarding process
  • Wasted agent time spent repeatedly explaining unclear processes, reading T&Cs, etc.
  • High cancelation rate caused by customer misunderstanding and regret

When it comes to onboarding, account changes, upgrading, and service, you want as few obstacles as possible in front of your customer. And today’s customers expect processes that are fully accessible from their mobile device for maximum convenience. This mobile network was looking for a one-stop solution that could turn their completion process into a positive experience in which agents’ time was used most effectively and customers had full transparency into their options, contract, and payment options.

In this case study, you’ll find out how Amdocs helps you boost conversion and satisfaction with a fully compliant, fully visual digital completion environment, giving customers an easy on-ramp toward a long-term relationship:

  • Bring a familiar, modern ecommerce interface to telco products and services
  • Automate workflows to simplify agent tasks
  • Empower agents to upsell and explore product and package options
  • Provide customers with clear, visual transaction summaries
  • Collect payment data in a fully PCI compliant environment
  • Minimize human error and eliminate silos with a seamless, end-to-end digital process

Increase customer satisfaction, drive down cancellations, and cut costs by saving agent time, transforming your call center into a revenue powerhouse. Discover how Amdocs makes customer experience amazing.


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