The Future of Psychology Behind Technology

Zoe Clelland, the Vice President, Product & Experience at Nintex, discusses the psychology behind technology innovations and adoptions.

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Avishai Sharlin, Division President of Amdocs Technology

S2 E3


11 Jan 2021

The Future of Psychology Behind Technology

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Jan 11, 2021
The Future of Psychology Behind Technology

Technology is an enabler of all kinds of activity. But how does a person actually change their behavior to use a piece of tech or buy a product or incorporate some sort of automated process? There are mental hurdles involved as well as technical ones, and Zoe Clelland has made it her mission to understand and facilitate those technological behavior changes.

Zoe has both a Master’s and a PhD in Human Factors and Experimental Technology, and today she serves as the Vice President, Product & Experience at Nintex, a company that helps businesses around the world automate some of their most sophisticated processes. On this episode of Future of Tech, Zoe dives into the world of mental models and why they are critical to consider when building, introducing, and helping customers adopt new technology like low-code, no-code, RPA, or anything else.

Technology like low- and no-code are all about bringing solutions to the table, and when you know to design the product and the adoption process to highlight that idea, Zoe says you are more likely to succeed in your pursuits. She explains all of that, and more, including the rise of RPA, A.I. and M.L., and she highlights the areas CIOs should focus on when they are embarking on a digital transformation process. Enjoy this episode!

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