Transforming data mesh with innovative industry standard data models

In an era where CSPs leverage data for strategic decision-making, achieving greater agility, faster time-to-market and better alignment with business objectives is crucial. Decentralized data mesh addresses this need by enabling the distribution of data ownership and management across various domains.

Eran Katz - Solution Architect Lead, Vipul Gupta – Solution Architect


27 Nov 2023

Transforming data mesh with innovative industry standard data models

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Augmenting data mesh with an industry-standard data model like the Amdocs Logical Data Model (aLDM), enables CSPs to minimize risk, reduce implementation costs and simplify governance. Business-driven and efficient, aLDM is specifically tailored for telecom and supports modern technology and architectures, making it the preferred choice for data mesh implementations in the communications & media industry.

Benefits include:

  • Data quality and consistency: Avoids data duplication through effective governance and enhances data quality for more accurate customer interactions.
  • Efficiency and timeliness: Reduces implementation costs and accelerates product development, leading to faster response times and increased satisfaction.
  • Immunity to changes: Adapts quickly to evolving business needs and incorporates anticipated changes, enhancing responsiveness to customer demands.

To learn more, download the whitepaper.


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