

Amdocs at #TMFDigital: Innovation in 5G, agility, cloud-native IT and more

Amdocs at #TMFDigital: Innovation in 5G, agility, cloud-native IT and more

Learn about Amdocs’ catalyst projects, award nominations and speaking opportunities taking place at TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020.

Amdocs Press Team

02 Oct 2020

Amdocs at #TMFDigital: Innovation in 5G, agility, cloud-native IT and more

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Amdocs will show how it’s taking the industry to the cloud.

At TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020, taking place online from October 7 – November 12, Amdocs will show how it’s taking the industry to the cloud and innovating in areas like 5G, cloud-native IT and artificial intelligence (AI). These advancements enable the effective and efficient managed digital and network transformation of communications and media companies.

Here’s a snapshot of the activities Amdocs and customers are participating in. Keep an eye on Amdocs Blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn for more updates in the weeks to come.

tmforum dtw 2020 logo


Automating NaaS Wavelength (Lambda) Services

Introduces a NaaS platform to enable “complex” network transformations for network monetization and decoupling OSS/BSS systems from the network.

AI-Driven Business Assurance for 5G

Demonstrates industry best-practices for using AI-driven business assurance innovations in multiple 5G-scenario use cases, including COVID-19-related eHealth services.

Ecosystem Assurance This “mega catalyst” combines three projects around assuring trust in an ecosystem and demonstrates how a secure supply chain with repeatable patterns in a digital business marketplace can be constructed utilizing a plug-and-play design.

Amdocs is a finalist for three TM Forum Excellence Awards

Cloud Native IT & Agility Award

Human Factor Award

Customer Experience & Trust Award

  • Three Ireland – a Hutchison Company – & Amdocs. Amdocs supported Three Ireland with their complex post-M&A BSS consolidation and customer-experience transformation, which used a “build-once-deploy-many” design-led approach and DevOps methodology to deliver a category-leading, omnichannel, digital-first experience across mobile, web, agent-driven channels and physical stores.

Catalyst Showcase Discussion

  • Thursday 22 October 2020 | Is business assurance critical in ecosystems?

    • Andreas Manolis - Head of Strategy & Innovation, BT; Gadi Solotorevsky – TM Forum Distinguished Fellow & Co-Head of Business Assurance group, CTO of Amdocs cVidya;

Amdocs speaker sessions by track

Headliner Keynote

  • Wednesday, October 7 | Accelerating the journey to the cloud

    • Andre Fuetsch – President AT&T Labs and Chief Technology Officer, AT&T;
    • Anthony Goonetilleke – Group President – Strategy & Technology, Amdocs

AI, Data & Analytics

Human Factor

Cloud-Native & Agility

Autonomous Networks & the Edge

Beyond Connectivity

TM Forum Rising Stars & Talent Mentors Program

The new Rising Star program aims to recognize and showcase young diverse talent in the tech-communications sector.

TM Forum has selected Amdocs Software Engineer, Gitika Sinha, as one of their Rising Stars, and will be broadcasting her story throughout the conference.

TMF also selected Amdocs Head of Learning and Talent Development, Nomi Malka, as a TM Forum Talent Mentor. Her story of leading pioneering internal and external mentorship programs will also be broadcast throughout the conference.

Communications service providers can register for TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World 2020 at no cost.


make it

Your future looks
breath-taking from here


Embrace the cloud and together we’ll see your business agility, innovation and scalability soar to new heights.

Simplify the complex,
deliver the brilliant


Discover the streamlined, cost-efficient and intelligent answer to increasingly complex customer, IT and network demands.

Fill your customers’ day
with content they love


Build an irresistible content proposition and experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.

Reinvent the customer
experience. Every day.


Discover the agility to deliver a jaw-dropping digital experience that always exceeds expectations.

Make today’s impossible
tomorrow’s possible


Unlock the full potential of 5G and shape the network to create new capabilities, unique business models and game-changing opportunities.


about Amdocs

Discover how Amdocs can help your business.


Your future looks breath-taking from here.


Simplify the complex, deliver the brilliant.


Fill your customers’ day with content they love.


Reinvent the customer experience. Every day.


Make today’s impossible tomorrow’s possible.



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