

Embrace innovation and challenge the status quo

Embrace innovation and challenge the status quo

In our series on "Passionate Leadership", we meet Liat Azulay, the Division President for Globe and Stellar Elements at Amdocs.

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Keya Sen, Internal Communications


17 Apr 2023

Embrace innovation and challenge the status quo

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Meet Liat Azulay, the Division President for Globe and Stellar Elements at Amdocs and hear all about her journey.

A leader who strongly believes in the power of collaboration between teams and partners, Liat believes, “Great things can happen when people come together and work towards a common goal. With a spirit of honesty and courage, I motivate my team to challenge every situation and not settle for business as usual.” Liat is passionate about making things happen, and she is known for walking the talk.

She is in love with innovation and likes to dream big and aim high. “Very often while I am either alone or with my team, I ask them to take a moment to pause and dream.  It’s very important to dream if we want innovation to happen. Encouraging people to dream and imagine new possibilities can lead to innovative ideas and solutions. Many radical innovations have come from people who dared to dream and think beyond the status quo,” she adds.

Break free from the shackles of convention and think outside the box

Liat started a new role leading the new division of Amdocs Stellar Elements and continues to head Globe, Amdocs’ largest customer in APAC. Her experience of over 20 years has led her to work in a very versatile environment, taking on various roles. “I juggled the demands of work, motherhood, and multiple moves across different locations and job profiles. The challenges were immense, but I was determined to succeed and prove that women are more than capable of overcoming adversity and achieving their goals. I started my journey as a skilled developer and launched my career in testing. Over time, I honed my skills and moved across roles, from manual testing to non-functional testing, before branching out into program management, production management, and customer support. In 2014, I transitioned into the world of business, embarking on a new and exciting chapter in my professional journey,” she says

“My philosophy is simple - to break free from the shackles of convention and think outside the box. Once we grasp the pulse of our business requirements, we must envision novel solutions, never settling for the same old products or services. At Globe, we pride ourselves on introducing groundbreaking offerings to our customers, and constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. By dreaming big and daring to be different, we have inspired other accounts to replicate us. One of the latest innovative offerings we are working on is the Business Intelligence Dashboard, which will create a real-time BI Dashboard driven by a predictive machine learning engine and will provide visibility of business impacts aside from the traditional operational view across Globe’s key lines of business. This can be replicated for other Amdocs customers using Managed Service. An additional aspect is Cx-Cd (continuous Experience -continuous design- develop-data)- in my view experience does not end when you design something and deploy it to production, experience needs to be tuned and enhanced every day in order to catch up with the end customer’s expectations.

Fostering stronger customer connections is the key to success

Liat believes that listening to customer feedback is key to improving the overall customer experience. She encourages her team to proactively gather customer feedback through various channels, including direct and indirect methods such as monitoring social media, identifying the challenges faced by end customers, conducting on-site visits to call centers and stores, and accompanying sales representatives to observe their daily routine. The feedback collected is then utilized to enhance their services. By putting the customer at the center of everything they do, Liat and her team have been able to anticipate customer needs and exceed their expectations. This has helped to establish a reputation of trust and reliability and has contributed to the long-term success of their business. “My team has the power of people, to feel their pain and resolve it for them. By putting the customer first and making sure that their needs are met, we have helped build strong relationships with clients and partners over the years. While it is important to put the customer first, we also believe in pushing back and challenging their requirements when necessary. We strive to avoid being a "yes-man" and instead aim to demonstrate the value in everything we do” she adds

Liat always looks for new and creative ways to solve problems. She knows that the world is constantly changing, and she is not afraid to embrace new technologies and ideas. She says, “My passion for innovation and disruption of the status quo has been a driving force in my career. Building on my extensive experience in the telecommunications industry, I have eagerly taken on a new challenge as the Head of the Division for Amdocs Steller Elements previously known as Experience division, overseeing the acquisition of various companies. This venture holds immense potential beyond the telecom sector, opening up exciting new possibilities. In a very recent move, and with a focus on creating intuitive and user-friendly digital experiences, we are bringing together eight customer experience companies under a new name - Amdocs Stellar Elements. This move expands our CX capabilities, making us more competitive and relevant, and opens up new avenues for growth with current customers. Amdocs Stellar Elements has a proven track record of delivering results for well-known companies such as Tesla, Disney+, AWS, and Cricket Wireless. This new name represents a force multiplier to the transformational work being done by Amdocs teams globally, extending their power to make every customer connection inspiring, satisfying, and stellar.”

"My philosophy is simple - to break free from the shackles of convention and think outside the box. Once we grasp the pulse of our business requirements, we must envision novel solutions, never settling for the same old products or services."

Balancing family and work: Nurturing independence and confidence

Travelling across diverse locations and geographies, Liat says “Having traversed through different geographies, I wholeheartedly endorse the enriching benefits of exploring varied locations. The plethora of knowledge, learning, and experience that one accrues is unparalleled. It provides a unique opportunity to experience and learn about different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. It allowed me to broaden my perspective and gain a deeper understanding of people from diverse backgrounds. Yet, this expedition comes with its fair share of obstacles, especially for families and children. While I wasn't always present with my children, I encouraged their independence and nurtured their confidence, resulting in their pride in my journey”

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. “Achieving a work-life balance is a demanding task, but I strive to take breaks and unwind with my loved ones. Ascending higher on the corporate ladder can be isolating, but I endeavor to connect with my leadership team and other team members to share my thoughts or seek advice. The pace of progress is unrelenting, and each quarter seems to fly by at breakneck speed, leaving little time to celebrate the successes. However, I relentlessly pursue our business goals and ensure its growth remains robust.”

When asked to give a piece of advice to women around she says “As a female leader in a male-dominated industry, I urge all women to believe in themselves and take bold steps towards realizing their aspirations. The transition from 'business as usual to 'dare as usual' requires unwavering self-confidence and a willingness to take risks. It's important to seek both a mentor and a sponsor within your organization. A mentor can provide one-on-one guidance and support, while a sponsor can push for your advancement and provide opportunities for growth and visibility.

In a world of rapid change, embracing innovation and challenging the status quo is the only way forward. Innovation is not just about technology but about creating a culture of innovation that values and supports all aspects of business, including the way we treat people, one’s leadership style, and the overall approach to problem-solving. So let us innovate, dare to dream, dare to be different, and dare to make a difference in everything we do!”


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